Saturday, June 29, 2013

Kerwin, WY - Ghost Town...

Crossing one stream..

Abandoned Cabins along the way...

Enjoying lunch along the way!!

The Kerwin Ghost Town..

The Hotel in Kerwin...Only 2 story building...

The mine in Kerwin.

An avalanche caused all the miners to leave after they lost 3 people to a terrible winter storm...

Crossing the river in our Jeeps!!!

Gun Fight In Front of the Irma Hotel in Cody, WY

The Irma Hotel in Cody, WY, named after Buffalo Bill's Daughter!

The start of the Gun Fight in front of the Irma Hotel...

He get's shot in the butt!!!  Had to call Doc Holiday!!!

A little dancing with the audience

The Good Guys!!!

Against the Bad Guys!!!

The Whole Cast of Actors!!

The Bad Guys Die of Course!!

The Old Guy comes out of the out house with toilet paper attached to him!!!

He clears the area with a gun shot!!!