Thursday, July 18, 2013

Custer Nat'l Park-Wild Animal Loop

 The Guzman Borglum Museum, who sculpted the "Mount Rushmore.  So interesting.
 One of Borglum's sculptures.  His favorite president.

 A Turkey Vulture in the trees posed for us.
 A pronghorn Elk.  So beautiful.

 This was part of our "Buffalo Day" in Custer Park.  Saw so many!!

 Baby Buffalo, resting within the herd.

 Everyone stops for the Buffalo when they want to cross the road...

 The one and only dear we saw in our campsite at "Custer Mountain" in Custer, SD
 Part of a Chuckwagon dinner we suppose to attend, but the cooks never showed up.  When into town for dinner instead.

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